1. Scope of application of the general terms and conditions of sale / enforceability

These general terms and conditions of sale, govern the relations between EASY LAVERIE (trade name Laverie Privée) and the customer. The "customer" indicates the physical or moral individual who uses the services of the Company EASY LAVERIE. EASY LAVERIE indicates the company which delivers the service of washing and delivery.

By using the services of EASY LAVERIE (also called LAVERIE PRIVEE) and thus by placing order, the customer agrees to be bound unconditionally to these general conditions of sale. The use of the services requires a full and complete acceptance, without reservation, of the following terms. If the customer disagrees with these GCS conditions, he commits himself not to use the services of the company EASY LAVERIE.

EASY LAVERIE reserves the right to modify these present GTS. These new general terms and conditions of sale come into force as from their posting on the website and are applicable to any order placed from then on.

By using the services of EASY LAVERIE, the customer declares having full legal capacity to contract, to understand and to accept the present general conditions of sale.

  1. About the company

EASY LAVERIE is a Limited liability company, registered in the Trade and Companies Register under the number 811 737 881. The company operates the following websites (showcase website) and (booking platform). Its head office is located at 303 rue des pointards, 45200 Amilly. Its shop is located at 38 Rue d'Enghien, 75010 Paris.

EASY LAVERIE provides booking, laundry and delivery services. The laundry service can include washing, drying, smoothing, folding or ironing depending on the options selected by the customer.

  1. Presentation and service availability

EASY LAVEREIE has designed an online platform that enables customers to get rid of laundry chores and, therefore, save their time. 

Le linge est lavé dans des machines professionnelles utilisant de l’eau et de la lessive. Ce service est totalement différent d’un service de pressing qui propose un lavage à sec avec généralement une prestation de repassage intégrée. EASY LAVERIE prend en charge le lavage du linge du quotidien (jeans, t-shirt, sous-vêtements, sweet-shirt…) et le linge de maison (draps, couettes, housses, taies…). Le client ne doit confier que le linge lavable en machine (voir l’indication sur l’étiquette du vêtement). Attention,  EASY ne prend pas en charge le linge relatif au traitement de punaise de lit.

Les livraisons sont assurées par EASY LAVERIE ou par des partenaires de EASY LAVERIE. Les livraisons se font selon le moyen le plus adapté à la commande : vélo, trottinette électrique, triporteur/biporteur électrique, voiture…

Pour toute livraison en dehors de Paris Intra-muros, le supplément minimum est de 1€/kg supplémentaire. Le supplément intervient en plus des tarifs disponibles sur la page rates on

Le service est accessible 5J/7 de 9h à 21h sous réserve de disponibilité. Les horaires d’ouverture peuvent évoluer selon les disponibilités de la société. EASY LAVERIE est aujourd’hui présente sur l’agglomération de Paris. 

  1. Registering an online order
  2. a) Pour pouvoir passer commande, le client se doit de transmettre différentes informations relatives à la livraison
      • Delivery address (required)
      • Additional information (doorbell, building, code, floor,...)
      • Billing address (if different from the delivery address)
      • First name of the client (required)
      • Last name of the client (required)
      • Phone number of the client (required)
      • If the person to contact for delivery is different : name and phone number of this person are required
      • If the client is placing an order for its business : name of the company and SIRET number are required.
  1. b) The customer must select the offer(s) he wishes to take (Duvet Offer, Premium Offer, Classic Offer). One offer corresponds to a sole machine. For each offer, the customer can select several options:
      • Washing temperature (30°C, 40°C, 60°C). The customer is responsible for the temperature he selects. 
      • Detergent : as standard the detergent used is the one recommended for everyday laundry. It is however possible to select another detergent (hypoallergenic, eco-friendly).
      • Options : The customer can add some options to its offer : softener, anti-discoloration wipes, ...
      • By default, the minimum weight of laundry washed per offer is 6kg. If the customer wishes to wash more laundry, he/she must indicates the total amount of kilos of laundry he/she wishes to wash.

Once the offer is added to the order, the customer can add another one or move on to the next step. Offers priced per kilo refer to the everyday laundry (clothes, bedsheets, bath towels, etc.) Duvets and pillows are included within a specific offer.

The customer is allowed to use a promotion code in order to benefit from a discount on the final cost of its order. Promo codes are not cumulatives. EASY LAVERIE is the sole judge that might accept or disregard the validity of a discount code. Promo code can only be used once per customer. In case of a multiple or abusive use, EASY LAVERIE gives itself the right to invoice the initial amount due by the customer. If a customer pays without using a discount code, he will not be able to ask for the discount code to be applied afterwards.

  1. c) the customer has then to choose a time slot for collection and drop-off of its order. The rates may change depending on the time slot selected and the return delays. By default, time slots are proposed for both pick-up and drop-off. The customer must thus ensure that all the information displayed is correct.
  2. d) If the customer has already signed up and owns a customer account, he will be redirected to its "customer area". If he/she is not registered, he/she will be invited to sign up by indicating the folowing information:
      1. Email address
      2. Password
  1. Payment and validation of an order

When a customer place an order on the website /, the rates displayed are tax included (20% VAT-incl.) unless otherwise stated. Mostly, rates evolutions depend on the offer selected, the delivery distance and the pick-up/drop-off time slots selected. Rates may be revised at any time. An order can only be taken into account once its payment has been processed.

In the particular case of a payment processed once the order has been done, the customer is required to pay in time. A 1.00€ HT penalty per day of delay will be charged to the customer. A penalty of 1.00€ HT per day of delay will apply from the moment when the order has been delivered. Paying at the end of an order is only possible under conditions of validation by EASY LAVERIE.

EASY LAVERIE gives itself the right to close the account of a customer and/or to claim payment for a service if a customer has taken advantage of a discount in a fraudulent way or following a technical bug of the platform.

Payments on the site are made through Stripe. In order to save time during registration of the order on www.laverieprivee.comThe customer has the possibility to register his credit card number. EASY LAVERIE does not record any banking information. All the banking data transit via the operator of payment " STRIPE ". The general conditions of use of " STRIPE " are accessible via this link: If a stripe payment link is not settled in time, EASY LAVERIE gives itself the right to debit the customer the amount due.

EASY LAVERIE provides several offers with a pricing per kilo.

  1. When the order is picked up

If the customer has order several offers, he/she has to separate the different loads of laundry and pack them in distinct bags. He/she must indicate to the deliverer which bag corresponds to which machine. 

When the laundry is collected, the customer is invited to keep his/her phone nearby in case EASY LAVERIE calls him/her. 

If the customer is not there when the order is picked up (no answer after 3 calls), the customer will have to pay an extra 3,00€ to have a new pickup scheduled. To do this, he/she must contact customer service directly at +331 76 34 12 24. If no new pick-up is scheduled by the customer within 7 days of the initial pick-up, the reservation will be cancelled without refund.

If the amount of laundry entrusted weighs louder than the amount of laundry the customer has already paid for, he/she will receive a new payment link that will be sent by email. The amount due must be paid within a 6h delay. The customer could also go to his customer area to pay the rebilling. The customer agrees to pay the amount of 4€ or 5€ per kilo of additional laundry depending on the selected offer. To pay the difference, the customer will receive a stripe payment link by email.

EASY LAVERIE can weigh the customer's laundry at the time of collection and/or in its premises. In any case EASY LAVERIE will be the sole judge of the weight recorded and thus of the total amount to be paid by the customer.

  1. During the drop-off

If the customer is not there for the return of his order (no answer after 3 calls), he/she will have to pay a extra €5.00 fee to schedule a new return. To do so, the customer must contact customer service directly at +331 74 34 12 24. If no new return is scheduled by the customer within 3 days of the initial one, a fee of 1.00€ per additional day will be applied until the order is returned. If the customer does not claim for the order after 1 month, it will be considered as abandoned by the customer.

  1. Cancellation of an order by EASY LAVERIE

Pour une ou aucune raison, EASY LAVERIE se donne le droit d’annuler une commande à la dernière minute. En cas d’impossibilité pour EASY LAVERIE de traiter une commande et si cela requiert de sa responsabilité, celle-ci s’engage à rembourser intégralement le client si celui-ci a déjà payé. Si à la dernière minute un coursier EASY LAVERIE ne peut être disponible pour une prise en charge ou une restitution, EASY LAVERIE proposera d’autres dates et horaires pour le client. 

  1. Cancellation of an order by the customer

Any cancellation must take place at least 6 hours before the time of delivery of the order, otherwise it will not be taken into account. In order to cancel an order, the customer must inform the customer service by email on or by phone at +33 1 74 34 12 24. He/she must make sure that the cancellation has been received and confirmed.

If the customer cancels at least 24 hours before, he/she will be refunded 80% of the amount of his/her order. If the customer cancels his/her order between 6h and 24h before the collection, he will be refunded 50% of the amount of his/her order.

If the withdrawal takes place after the service has already been partially or fully completed, the customer is obliged to pay the costs incurred in the order. The booking and delivery fees are part of the service costs.

The refund will be made to the same payment method used for the order.

  1. Business offer

EASY LAVERIE provides its services to individuals, but also to professionals and to short term rentals. The functioning and the rate applied for the latter, can be entirely custom-made.

For any order concerning bed linen, linen storage will be charged at a rate of 5€ HT per day.

All customers agree to pay the invoice(s) on time. The prices quoted are those listed on the website. In case of a different offer, an custom quotation can be signed before the beginning of the service.

  1. Cautions and responsibilities

Le linge restera tout le long du service, sous la responsabilité du client. Cela signifie que EASY LAVERIE décline toute responsabilité envers toute dégradation de la commande, dû aux machines à laver, aux sèches linges ou produits utilisés (lessive, lingettes…). C’est pourquoi il est important que le client trie méticuleusement ses affaires. EASY LAVERIE a mis à disposition de ses clients des conseils pour limiter les risques de dégradation. EASY LAVERIE s’engage à faire le nécessaire pour éviter les dégradations potentielles et a des obligations de moyen et non des obligations de résultat. Il est important de noter qu’une laverie a pour but de laver les vêtements pas de les détacher.

EASY LAVERIE est assuré en cas de perte ou vol de linge. Ces dommages ne pourront être constatés qu’en cas d’inventaire. Un inventaire est effectué uniquement sur demande du client. Pour faire la demande il faut contacter le service client par mail sur Cette option coûte 0.50€ TTC par article. En cas d’inventaire, une constatation d’un manque ne pourra être effectué que durant la restitution directement avec le livreur, pas après. En cas de perte ou de dégradation d’un article, EASY LAVERIE s’engage à dédommager le client. Une dégradation ou un dommage ne pourra être constaté qu’au moment de la restitution et sous condition d’un inventaire réalisé lors de la collecte. Si un article est perdu par EASY LAVERIE, il pourra être remboursé jusqu’à hauteur de 35.00€. S’il est endommagé (hors rétrécissement et décoloration), l’article pourra être remboursé jusqu’à hauteur de 25.00€. Afin d’évaluer le coût de l’article, le client devra fournir une preuve d’achat avec facture à l’appuie. En cas d’absence de cette preuve d’achat, EASY LAVERIE sera seul juge pour fixer le montant de l’article. 

The present general conditions are governed by French law.

Any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of and/or in connection with these general terms and conditions of sale, including questions relating to its existence, performance, interpretation, validity or cancellation, termination or invalidity, shall be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Commercial Court of Paris, France, even in the event of an introduction of third parties or plurality of defendants.

EASY LAVERIE declines any responsibility in case of allergy to the washing products used. To find out more about the products used, the customer must send a request directly to the EASY LAVERIE service by phone or e-mail to

EASY LAVERIE services are not recommended for people who may be allergic to any washing products (detergent, bicarbonate, softener, white vinegar, stain remover...). The service is also strongly discouraged for children under 3 years old. The customer is responsible for what he/she entrusts to EASY LAVERIE.

  1. Protection of personal data

EASY LAVERIE is committed using its customers' data in the respect of the lthe Data Processing, Files and Liberties Act nº 78-17 of January 6, 1978. (Declaration CNIL nº 1031472), as modified on August 6, 2004. EASY LAVERIE is committed to the fact that the collection and the treatment of your data, carried out from the website are in conformity with the general regulation on the data protection (RGPD).

EASY LAVERIE is committed not selling these data to a third party. The company will use this information only for the good functioning of EASY LAVERIE as well as for commercial purposes. As mentioned above, the User benefits from a right to access and rectify his personal data.

Under a simple request, the customer can ask to contact@laverieprivee.comto suppress his account and data. The deletion of an account does not cancel any potential amount due by the customer.

  1. Connection and contact

By using the services of EASY LAVERIE, the customer will be put in contact with couriers/launderers working directly or indirectly for EASY LAVERIE. The customer commits himself not to contact these couriers/launderers to try to place order apart from the platform 

In case of concerns or need to contact the EASY LAVERIE staff, the customer is invited to send an email to 

  1. Contact

EASY LAVERIE can be reached by email :

The website is accessible 24/7. For some reason, it is possible that the site cannot be accessible for a reasonable period of time. The company EASY LAVERIE commits itself doing its best so that any such problem is solved as fast and efficiently as possible.

Last Update of the General Terms of Sales : March, 23 2021. For any question or enquiry, feel free to contact us.

Rappel : Easy laverie propose un service de lavage en machine avec de l’eau et de la lessive, ce n’est donc pas un pressing. Sa mission est de laver le linge pas de le détacher. EASY LAVERIE a des obligations de moyen et non de résultat. De plus, Easy laverie décline toute responsabilité envers une potentielle décoloration ou dégradation du linge dû aux machines.